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Articles tagged with: carbon tax

Carbon Taxation & The Healthcare Sector

Carbon Taxation & The Healthcare Sector

As we discussed in last week’s blog post, Intro 1253 will have operational and financial impacts on buildings throughout the five boroughs, in all sectors. As originally conceived, Intro 1253 targets buildings larger than 25,000 square feet and requires them to meet certain emissions caps beginning in 2022. The bill is set to be passed on Earth Day.

The Carbon Taxes Are Coming! The Carbon Taxes Are Coming!

The Carbon Taxes Are Coming! The Carbon Taxes Are Coming!

Carbon taxes are coming, and they’re coming fast!

Last week, the NYC City Council released an updated draft of Introduction 1253, a new bill that is likely to be passed into local law. If passed, this legislation will be the nation’s first legislative cap on carbon emissions. It is a part of NYC’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) by 80% by 2050 (the 80x50 program).