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Articles tagged with: Energy efficiency

Energy Management KPIs Your Business Needs To Keep Track Of

Track the success of your sustainability plan with these essential metrics

Energy Management KPIs Your Business Needs To Keep Track Of

How are you measuring the success of your business sustainability plan? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to keep track of your company's health and performance, measure the progress of initiatives over time, adjust projects to stay on track in meeting targets, solve problems with data, and analyze patterns over time. In addition, energy KPIs can measure energy-relevant processes to change production processes. Keep reading to learn key performance indicators that you should measure in your energy management plan for your New York City, NY business.

Energy Resiliency Will Protect Your Organization in the Next Major Storm

Prepare for Power Outages During the Next Severe Weather Event

Energy Resiliency Will Protect Your Organization in the Next Major Storm

In September 2021, the remnants of Hurricane Ida, a Category 4 hurricane, passed through New York City causing widespread power outages. The storm caused nearly 150,000 customers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut to lose power, affecting nearly 45,600 customers in New York State alone. The damage directly impacted business owners’ revenue streams while they waited several days for power restoration. New York City’s infrastructure may not be prepared for the next severe weather storm. As a result, organizations are uncertain how severe weather will affect them in the future. By prioritizing energy resiliency now with the help of our sustainable energy consulting, your organization can implement a proactive plan that will insulate you from energy crises and ensure long-term success. 

Reduce Overhead Costs Using Peak Shaving

Discover how Gotham can create a peak mitigation strategy for your business in New York

Reduce Overhead Costs Using Peak Shaving

Peak energy usage can raise your monthly bills if you are not conscious about when you are using the most power. Creating a carefully crafted peak mitigation strategy can reduce the overhead costs of your business, lead to savings, and reduce your carbon footprint. Keep reading to learn how energy-efficient solutions and peak shaving will help you to reduce the overhead costs of your business in New York City, NY, and surround areas.

Gotham360's Incentive Management Services Secures a $1.2 Million Check for Columbia University's Commitment to Energy Efficiency

Gotham360's Incentive Management Services Secures a $1.2 Million Check for Columbia University's Commitment to Energy Efficiency
Many industries are just beginning to understand the impact of utilizing Incentive Management services, which can result in rebates and tax incentives for energy efficient programs and buildings. Gotham360 has partnered with countless organizations including universities, hospitals, and commercial property owners in an effort to take advantage of existing incentive programs.

Improving Energy Efficiency Services Within Data Centers

Improving Energy Efficiency Services Within Data Centers

Set to be one of the world's fastest growing energy consumers, the number of data centers continues to increase rapidly in conjunction with the constant growth of digital content, cloud, e-mail and internet traffic.

With 3 million data centers in the U.S. consuming 70 billion kilowatt-hours in 2014 alone, it's imperative for data centers to take steps towards offering energy efficiency services that focus on reducing energy consumption and lowering costs for industry users.

Data centers must meet the demands of both industries that are tasked with storing large amounts of information and the environment. By working with energy consultants, data centers can focus on reducing energy waste and employing new technology to ensure a successful and sustainable future.

Reducing Energy Waste and Adapting New Technology

Finding, managing, and de-commissioning comatose servers, 30% of which are estimated to exist due to their low visibility is the first step data centers must take to increase energy savings. Data centers can implement a four-step process of identifying underutilized servers that requires minimal effort. Through assessing their visibility, controlling their output, and automating workflow to drive efficiency, centers access immediate cost-energy savings, up to $500 per year, per server, while adding additional network capacity without expanding their footprint.

Data centers can also offer energy efficiency services by employing internet of things (IoT) technology. Facilities that deploy an incremental rollout of software that encompasses IoT to decrease energy costs, can see up to a 40% reduction in wasted energy and a 19% reduction in energy cost savings.

IoT technology creates a hyper-connected environment that allows facilities to be more responsive, dynamic, and capable of reducing excesses in energy-intensive data centers. Facilities that integrate sustainable energy optimization through IoT technology are able to collect, process, and analyze data that allows them to monitor and predict power and equipment failures, reducing wasted energy and increasing cost savings in the process.

As cloud devices and data storage remain popular and energy costs continue to rise, it's imperative for data centers to implement energy efficiency services and technologies that will lower costs and decrease waste. Reducing the number of comatose servers and integrating IoT technology are just two steps for energy-hungry data centers to implement in order to effectively and efficiently become more environmentally and fiscally sustainable