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Articles tagged with: Energy management

LL 97 Adjustments Applications are Now Open

LL 97 Adjustments Applications are Now Open

LL 97 of 2019 offers two adjustment pathways – one for buildings with qualified excess emissions, and one for qualified not-for-profit healthcare facilities. Adjustment applications opened on April 12, 2021. Adjustments are not an exemption from the law, but a temporary increase in the qualified building emissions limit to allow extra time for compliance. Eligibility requirements for each type of adjustment must be met as described in the law. A full application filing guide is provided by NYC Sustainable Buildings.

Massachusetts Set For Another Increase in Utility Costs

Massachusetts Set For Another Increase in Utility Costs

Electricity rates have increased nationally over the past six year, with Hawaii remaining the most expensive state in union to power your home or business. Surprisingly, after Hawaii, Massachusetts residential and commercial customers have experienced the second fastest rate increase over that time.

30% Tax Credit For Solar PV To Start Sunsetting at End of 2019

30% Tax Credit For Solar PV To Start Sunsetting at End of 2019

Section 48 of the Internal Revenue Code currently includes a 30% ITC for solar PV systems, fuel cells, small wind and some other technologies. The ITC allows those who install clean energy assets to subtract 30% of the project(s) value from federal income taxes owed. This 30% ITC significantly raises the economic value of renewable and clean energy projects -- both those pursued through capital purchase and those financed through leases, power purchase agreements, shared savings agreements, etc.

Keeping Up With A Fast-Moving, Fast-Growing Industry

When I introduce myself as a program manager for an energy consulting company, whether at an energy-focused conference or to new acquaintances, I am frequently then asked: "what does that mean?" or "so, what do you do?" When I was first exposed to the nebulous world of energy consulting, I had the same questions. I soon found that it is not an easy question to answer, because there is so much to be done. And when someone asks what kinds of energy consulting Gotham 360 does, the least specific answer is the most accurate answer: "all kinds."

Barnard College Votes to Divest Endowment Money From Climate Change Deniers

Barnard College Votes to Divest Endowment Money From Climate Change Deniers

The Board of Trustees of New York's Barnard College, a women's college affiliated with Columbia University, recently voted to divest from energy companies that deny climate change who are currently within the college's $286 million endowment.

Barnard students have pressed the college to establish a broad divestment pledge, a movement that in the last five years has grown to campuses across the country. Last year, a committee of Barnard trustees, faculty, and students endorsed a proposal that would divest from only fossil fuel companies that seek to deny climate science or thwart efforts to mitigate the impact of global warming.

A Letter From Our Founder and CEO, Jennifer Kearney

In 2007, I founded Gotham 360 as a full-service energy consulting and management firm dedicated to helping companies source the most innovative and cost-effective energy solutions. Our unique "360-degree" approach focuses on exploring energy from a variety of directions to provide individualized solutions for each client.

An Interview With Jennifer Kearney, Gotham 360 Founder

Gotham 360 was founded in 2007 when CEO Jennifer Kearney catapulted her expertise of the energy industry into running a full-service energy consulting and management firm. With over 30 years of combined experience, Gotham 360 has since become an influencer in the field of energy management & sustainability, working with companies to source the most innovative and cost-effective solutions available.